Procrastination Help - Strategies To Increase Efficiency

For business owners, not having someone watching their hours and keeping them on track can make it easy to procrastinate. You start to arrive late, spend too much time on personal matters or simply spend time doing 'stuff' but not focusing on the most important tasks.
Being your own manager can give you freedom to choose what you do when. So it's critical that you make sure you're making the right choices with your time. If you find yourself with work you were supposed to have finished, clients calling you because you have not delivered as you had promised to or you tend to do other things when you are supposed to be busy at work, you might need procrastination help. Following are some tips to help you avoid procrastination and improve your efficiency.
Advance Planning Of Each Day
Towards the end of each day, plan your list of tasks you need to do the following day. Make sure you include the amount of time you realistically expect to spend on each activity. Doing this helps to ensure that you start each morning with a clear plan of what you need to focus on during the day.
Many people find planning their day each morning is less effective that planning the night before. By being able to sleep on the tasks that need to be tended to the next day you often find your mind is better prepared. And at the end of each day, check how you progressed with your daily tasks. Did you find you weren't able to complete a particular task? If so, why was this? Can you do something differently to finish it tomorrow?
If you are looking for help avoiding procrastination, it is also important to note that it is better to have fewer things to do on a daily basis than have a lot of things to do and nothing to show for your hard work. You'll also find it helps to be clear on what your overall business goals are, then make sure that your daily tasks focus on the most important things to move you towards these goals.
Know Your Weaknesses
Which activities in your business do you find yourself putting off for a later date? Maybe it's filing your tax returns, paying your bills, returning clients calls or mail, or clearing the to do list on your work desk. When you are aware of the tasks you consistently procrastinate on, you can start to understand why you procrastinate. Plus, each day you make sure you do what you set out to, you'll find the desire to avoid these tasks reduces. You'll also find that the feeling of accomplishing your goals will be helping you to focus on getting through your daily tasks, rather than procrastinating.
Make Time To Relax
The reason why you may be procrastinating may be because you are too tired or stressed out to take care of anything at work. If you spend most of your time at work, this may leave you burnt out and without energy to attend to important business projects. You should ensure that you sleep well, take a small break when at work and have at least one day off every week.
Occasionally, take a few days or weeks vacation to clear up your mind and help you refocus on your business goals. These strategies are useful for anyone looking for procrastination help.

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